Hyundai,Kia immobox Shin Chang with ID4D Memory device is serial eeprom 93c56 DIL8 package. Expected file size is 256 bytes. Use JMA TPX2 – Errebi TX2 or CN2/CN5 or K-JMD or YS-01 transponder. Written transponder is ready programmed to start the car.
Hyundai, Kia engine ECU Kefico, Delphi. Bosch Memory device is serial eeprom 95c020 or 95c040 or 95c160 or 95c320 or 95p08, all SMD8 package.
For 95c020 expected file size is 256 bytes, for 95c040 expected file size is 512 bytes, for 95c160 expected file size is 2048 bytes, for 95c320 expected file size is 4096 bytes and for 95p08 expected file size is 1024 bytes.
Software shows PIN code. Use PCF7936 or Silca T14 – JMA TP12 or CN3 transponder.
Written transponder is ready programmed to start car.
Toyota, Suzuki, Daihatsu, Hyundai immobox with ID4C. Memory device is serial eeprom 93c56 or 93c66 DIL8 package.
Expected file size is 256 or 512 bytes.
Use JMA TPX1 or CN1 or K-JMD or Errebi TX1 or YS-01 transponder.
Written transponder is ready programmed to start car.