
Software module 196

Kawasaki GTR1400 bike ignition switch Asahi-Denso

Memory device is serial eeprom 93c56 SMD8 package.

Expected file size is 256 bytes.

Use TMPro chip or K-JMD transponder.

IMPORTANT: This software can programs ONLY SIMPLE TRANSPONDER. Transponder must be placed on ignition switch then bike can start. Original handsfree key can be programmed only by Kawasaki diagnostic tool.

Written transponder is ready programmed to start bike.

Vehicles equipped with this unit:
Kawasaki: GTR 1400
Software module 162

Kawasaki JetSki Ultra engine ECU with ID4D

Memory device is serial eeprom 24c04 SMD8 package.

Expected file size is 512 bytes.

Use TMPro chip or K-JMD transponder.

You can choose between MASTER key (full power of engine) and SLAVE key (limited power of engine).

Written transponder is ready programmed to start the vehicle.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot use original transponder that comes with key. You must replace it with programmed by TMPro.

Vehicles equipped with this unit:
Kawasaki:JetSki Ultra
Software module 157

Texas Crypto 4D-63, 4D-64, 6D-72 new chip 

This software can prepare TMPro chip or K-JMD transponder to following 4 types:

– Texas Crypto 4D-63 Ford/ Mazda/ Lincoln

– Texas Crypto 4D-64 Chrysler/ Subaru/ Jeep/ Renault/ Isuzu

– Texas Crypto for Triumph Tiger Explorer motorbikes

– Texas Crypto 6D-72 Toyota G with password 36, 56, 96, 37, 57 and 97. For Toyota G preparation only CN2/CN5 or K-JMD is possible to be used.

Prepared transponder you can program to car using diagnostic OBD2 device.

Vehicles equipped with this unit:
Software module 68

Memory device is serial eeprom 93c66 or 93c86 or 24c02 or 24c04 or 24c64 or 95c640 – all 8 pin SMD package.
Expected file size is 256/512/2048/8192 bytes.
Use TMPro chip or K-JMD transponder.
Written transponder is ready programmed to start bike.

Vehicles equipped with this unit:
Kawasaki: Absolutely ALL models with normal metal key – ZX-6R, ZX-10R, ZX-11R, ZX-12R, ZX-14, ZX-1000, Z-750S, Ninja, Z1000, Z800, Z900 and other not listed here.