Software module 57

Renault UCH Johnson Controls type

This module can be used in 2 ways:

1. If you don`t know 12-digit PIN code: Memory device is serial eeprom 95c080 SMD8 package.
Expected file size is 1024 bytes.Module calculates PIN code.
Use TMPro chip or PCF7936 or Silca T14 – JMA TP12 transponder.
If you use PCF7936 written transponder have to be matched with car using diagnostic device, if you use TMPro chip – no need.

2. If you know 12-digit PIN code:Start software and select module.
Insert PCF7936 or Silca T14 – JMA TP12 transponder. Press PROG button.
Software opens box, where you must enter 12-digit PIN code.Verify it and press OK.
Match prepared transponder with car using diagnostic device and PIN code.

Vehicles equipped with this unit: 
Renault: Kangoo(2007-), Trafic(2007-), Master(2007-) Opel: Vivaro(2007-), Movano(2007-)
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